“Where do these lower vibrations come from that are bringing me down? How can sound healing help?” You feel tired, groggy, foggy. You’re constantly fighting off negative thoughts, you’re wondering if there’s an invisible rain cloud above your head. And you’re really wondering, what the heck is this and where did it come from? And when will it leave me alone!?! For some reason or another, you’ve got negative energies stuck to your auric field. Don’t be afraid, this is normal and it happens to all of us! Let’s start with some of the basic ways our energetic field gets clogged… EMF. One of the biggest culprits of brain fog,.
“I’ve heard of sound healing, but what is it exactly?” Sound healing is a way of bringing one’s energetic vibration into harmony so that the body can float into its natural healing state – that’s why you’ll often hear it called a sound healing bath! Our bodies’ physical make up is mostly water, we are pure energetic beings. The water in our bodies respond to the tides around us; whether those are high tides of stress or low tides of rest and self care. How are you treating yourself during times of turbulence? The energy pools in our bodies, chakras, can be spinning vortexes of radiant light when they are.