I’m sad about all the misinformation on skin and skincare floating around on the internet. If anyone has any questions, I’ll be glad to answer them for you. Misconception #1 : An Aesthetician can CURE acne. FACT: Acne cannot be “cured”. An Aesthetician can keep your acne under control as long as you are willing to follow a simple but strict regimen provided by the skin care specialist for the length of time that is recommended WITHOUT CHEATING OR CHANGING THE REGIMEN ON YOUR OWN. It will only take you about 5 mins a night! It is all about balance that can be achieved but only if you stay consistent!
*Seeing an Aesthetician every 4-8 weeks will allow for healthy skin function maintenance, measurable improvements on skin texture, tone, hydration, scaring, wrinkles, pore “size”, and clarity . We can’t make you perfect but, we can significantly increase the rate of the healing process, decrease the rate of premature aging, and protect your skin from environmental pollutants and toxins that can have adverse effects on the largest organ of your body – your skin. Skin is a “breathable” organ and absorbs everything from chlorine in tap water, to toxins in poorly made skin care products, to dirt and oil from your hair and hands; all of which accelerate the aging process and leave it vulnerable to disease! Our skin is supposed to PROTECT us – that is one of its main functions. Sadly, in today’s world, there are more pollutants than ever that get in the way of healthy skin functioning. We need to regularly detox our bodies and help our systems along to maintain homeostasis because with all of the harmful contributing factors, our own bodies have a hard time keeping up on its own. Help your skin keep you healthy and schedule a facial with me today :) You cannot afford disease!
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