There is an art to steaming the skin and a way to perform it appropriately, properly and effectively. Not all skin types benefit from steam and it can even actually do more harm than good if you don’t understand the integumentary system. The best approach for you, the client, is to relax and unwind during a professional facial and allow your licensed aesthetician (me) do the brain and intuitive work, for you. ;)
Now, you’re probably wondering how facial steaming can be considered an art form. Let me explain. I take stress VERY seriously. I truly understand it is at the root of most disease and health concerns. This includes skin ailments, disorders and imbalances. After I have taken a thorough skin analysis and have chosen the best steam method and duration, I begin using music, breath work, aromatherapy and skillful massage techniques that deepen relaxation and put the nervous system into a parasympathetic mode, also known as, the ‘rest and digest’ state. I also take relaxation VERY seriously. Our bodies do not heal under stressful circumstances, period. Sleep and rest are just as important as food and water. And anyone with skin annoyances can understand how difficult it can be to RELAX when the skin is inflamed, dehydrated, itchy and problematic. I would know; I’m one whom has dealt with the uncomfortable, and most times, even, depressing skin issues, for years (before I became a licensed aesthetician). And on top of that, many of you have [adorable] screaming children; “talkative” pets; ringing and bleeping electronics; piled up chores and cluttered space – all which hinder relaxation, making it a near impossible healing environment. Being under the care of a trusted aesthetician can provide you with an hour of undisturbed peace and tranquility, allowing for your body to rest and repair during the facial steaming process. So you see, the steaming process then becomes a well meditated and meticulous dance – it is no longer just steaming. Don’t believe me? Experience it for yourself before you make up your mind.
To maximize the benefits of steam, a professional steamer is used. Here is a compiled list of what a professional facial and steaming session can provide you.
- Hydration – healing itchy, flaky skin; plumping the skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines
- Relaxed tissue – to allow better product absorption
- Toxin and debris excretion thru perspiration
- Stimulated blood circulation and delivery of nutrients
- Decreased pore size due to oil and debris removal
- Warmth – to promote relaxation
- Heavy steam production that at-home units are unable to provide
- Delivery of CO2, which kill off the p. acnes bacteria
- Comfort and ease (Many at-home units are designed to make you lean forward for an extended amount of time, causing neck and shoulder tightening and trigger point pain and discomfort)(At-home units may also cause burns)
- Clears the lungs and can be used as an expectorant
- Softens ‘dead’ skin cells for the removal of its excess which is pore clogging, revealing brighter, clearer skin
- Skin refining product and exfoliates
- Reduce uneven skin tone
- Neck, shoulder, scalp, hand, and/or foot massage for ultimate relaxation and muscle loosening
That list should give you a pretty clear indication as to how a professional facial can be both proactive in the health of your skin, as well as, a way to heal and rebalance your skin’s condition and overall health and wellness. But just like exercise and massage therapy, you need to be consistent, in combination with a healthy diet and regimen (for skin nourishment) (see ‘Farmaesthetics’ skin care line and Wedderspoon products offered in-store at Deep Roots Massage) if you intend to feel and see lasting results – you don’t just get healthy skin overnight with a single treatment. Hard work should be balanced with “hard” relaxation and time to care for yourself so that you can better care for those you love. <3 Speaking of those whom you love, gift certificates are available online and in-store. =)
With Love and Relaxation,
Your Licensed Aesthetician & LMT
Shannon Ellis
Ph. (414)949-7546
Email. Shannon@DeepRootsMassage.com
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