So think for a minute, at what age did you start wearing deodorant? Perfume? Lotion? I would guess you started using shampoo, conditioner and soaps at a fairly young age ;) And how many of those products have you used, nearly daily since you were a very young baby, had even just the ingredient ‘fragrance’ listed on the bottle? What IS ‘fragrance’? How many ingredients make up a ‘fragrance’? I wonder.
How many of you have developed allergies and skin conditions without being able to trace the problem back to a single irritant? How would you know it isn’t caused by one or more of the hundreds of unknown ingredients you slather on each and every day? Just HOW toxic have we become after all these years? It surely is something to think about, especially since cancer has been on the rise in the America!
Here is a nice little video that will hopefully open you up to the TRUTH that perhaps all those fillers that supposedly help us look and feel “great” really aren’t doing just that! Look at the larger picture and realize how much money you would actually be SAVING by investing in healthier products and a more health conscious hygiene routine that is void of carcinogens, hormone disruptors and skin irritants, that of which can eventually put you on a fast track to the doctors office and pharmaceutical departments. I personally would rather budget my hard earned cash to wisely spend it on just a couple of products that actually improve my health and wellness than on a boat load of harmful toxic substances that are slowly polluting my body and mind. I’m not saying we should all get crazy and throw out everything we own and commit to using 100% all-natural 100% of the time, either. After all, we are human and balance is essential. I’m only asking that we begin making a conscious effort to be alert and aware of the amount of harmful substances we are unnecessarily feeding our body and mind. Let’s all get a little healthier together so we can more fully enjoy being human in these beautiful vehicles we call ‘bodies’. Hey, I bet you treat your car real good. hmmmmmmmm ;)
Click here for ‘The Story of Cosmetics’ Video
Practice self love,
Your Aesthetician and LMT,
Shannon Ellis
Ph. 414.949.7546
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